小HY的豆子:影片 28分钟时已经是高潮,导致后面的情节总显得拖沓。I live in a country where you and I can make decision for ourselves. I like that right, I care about it. We live in a free country. That is a powerful idea, that’s a magnificent way to live. But there is a price for that freedom, which is that sometimes we have to tolerate things that we don’t necessarily like.
久久莫莉卡:实在没看出来好在哪里,好简单那一个故事拍的如此冗长,好看?女主角好看吧。 还有心疼女主的,如果把巧珍和那个广播姑娘的演员互换一下,你可能就没那么心疼了。。。